​Who We Are
Troop 931 Our purpose is to provide a quality scouting program for boys ages 11-18 years of age. Our mission is to maintain a scouting environment that will provide every scout the opportunity to participate in the fundamentals of scouting, facilitated by providing numerous outdoor camping opportunities and adventure with a boy led program that will enhance their overall scouting experience no matter their ambitions or end goals.
The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated to provide a program for community organizations that offers effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness training for youth.
Specifically, the BSA endeavors to develop American citizens who are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit; have a high degree of self-reliance as evidenced in such qualities as initiative, courage, and resourcefulness; have the desire and skills to help others; understand the principles of the American social, economic, and governmental systems; are knowledgeable about and take pride in their American heritage and understand our nation’s role in the world; have a keen respect for the basic rights of all people; and are prepared to participate in and give leadership to American society.
​What We Offer
Troop 931 is a boy-led troop using the patrol method. Teaching, training and encouraging boys to be leaders is the core of Scouting. Scouts learn by doing. Because we recognize that families are busy, our Troop meets once per month on the first Sunday. We offer one camping trip and one Patrol-led activity each month in addition to our meetings. Patrols may decide to meet outside our regular monthly meeting. Our Troop also attends Summer Camp each year. We alternate water and mountain camps in order to provide our scouts the ultimate experience in creating memories. Summer Camp is a safe place for scouts to explore interests and just have a great time.